Pig jokes Jokes Funny Pig jokes Jokes

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There are 153 Pig jokes Jokes in this category.

Why did the little piglet fall in from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Why did the little piglet fall in love with the hog? Because he was such a sloppy dresser.

Why did the little pig try to from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Why did the little pig try to join the Navy? He loved to sing, "Oinkers Aweight"

Why did the little pig hide the from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Why did the little pig hide the soap? He heard the farmer yell, "Hogwash!"

Why did the big pig want to from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Why did the big pig want to go on stage? There was a lot of ham in him.

Why do pigs have flat snouts From from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Why do pigs have flat snouts? From running in to trees.

Why couldnt the pig pay his bill from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Why couldn't the pig pay his bill? He was a little shoat.

Why cant there be a Santa Pig from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Why can't there be a Santa Pig? Pigs don't fit in chimneys.

Why are there so many piggy banks from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Why are there so many piggy banks? Pigs don't like to hide their money in the mattress.

Why are pigs such great football fans from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Why are pigs such great football fans? They're always rooting.

Why are pigs such early risers Did from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Why are pigs such early risers? Did you ever try to shut off a rooster?

Who sends flowers on Valentines Day Cupigs from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Who sends flowers on Valentines Day? Cupigs!

Who is the greatest painter of this from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Who is the greatest painter of this century? Pigcasso!

Which of these jokes do the pigs from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Which of these jokes do the pigs like best? The corniest ones.

Where is the most open green space from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Where is the most open green space in New York City? Central Pork

Where does a woodsman keep his pigsIn from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Where does a woodsman keep his pigs? In his hog cabin!

Where do retired pigs go for warm from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Where do retired pigs go for warm weather? The tropigs!

Where do bad pigs go They get from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Where do bad pigs go? They get sent to the pen.

Where did the piglets study their ABCs from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
Where did the piglets study their ABC's? At a school for higher loining.

When pigs have a party who jumps from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
When pigs have a party, who jumps out of the cake? Nobody. The pigs all jump in.

When pigs get a toothache who do from Flashcomment Pig jokes Jokes
When pigs get a toothache, who do they see?' Painless Porker.

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